JANUARY 21, 2020
Lenoir City, Tennessee
Responding to the Special Mission Community, PS Engineering is pleased to announce the availability of a dual control head to work with the PAC45 Special Mission Digital Audio Control System
The PAC45D system allows the flight crew easy access to critical mission audio from a central controller. This meets the operational requirements of many agencies, such as the US Forest Service.
“We had many conversations with industry leaders and system users, in shops completion centers and at trade shows. We asked them what we should do next. The consensus was unanimous, they needed a dual control head. Now PS Engineering has what they need.”
Like all PAC45 series, the PAC45D includes MutliTalker®. This licensed, patented (USAF -Wright Patterson Laboratory) audio processing presents mission-critical audio in different apparent locations around the flight crew, enabling them to easily distinguish conversations that are important at any instant. The ability to listen to the radio that is important at any instant in time reduces cockpit workload. As a dual control head, the CTL45D can be configured with the Pilot
on the left or right side of the aircraft. The front panel nomenclature is fully customizable, lending itself to the specification mission avionics.
The audio control hub can be attached to the panel unit or remotely mounted. In any case, the audio connections do not need to be routed around the aircraft, there is one central location greatly simplifying installation. The PAC45 is also backward compatible with many legacy audio systems.
Far more functional than just a dual controller, the PAC45D has the same sophistication as the PAC45, including:
The PAC45D system allows the flight crew easy access to critical mission audio from a central controller. This meets the operational requirements of many agencies, such as the US Forest Service.
- Supports five (5) Com radio interfaces
- MultiTalker® True Dimensional 3D Sound 9-Field selectable locations
- Master Radio volume for each side
- 200 mW headphone audio power
- Custom configurable pilot right or left seat
- RXI - Radio Receiver Active Indicator
- Plug and play with industry standard legacy audio controllers
- NVG optional w/backlight balance adjustments
- Seven (7) place IntelliVox® intercom built in with ICS PTT & high noise configuration, expandable to 12 stations
- Three (3) preprogrammed aural alerts, active high or low trigger
- Bluetooth® interface for wireless phone and music
- Com Monitor function
- Custom configurable bezel labels
- Bluetooth & Hardwired stereo music input with Soft-Mute™ and SoftMute™ override
- Crew CALL function when observer control head is installed
- Four unswitched inputs with independent volume controls
- Dual CVR output or single CVR w/Speaker output
- Pilot (Com1, Nav1, Unsw1, Alerts) & copilot (Com 2) failsafe
- Pilot hands on stick/yoke com swap mode (foot switch)
- Pilot hands on stick/yoke intercom ICS selection (foot switch)
- 2-Year PS Engineering Pro-Support Warranty
List price for a PAC45D is $8995 and deliveries begin by end of Q1, 2020. It is FAA-TSO authorization under C139a
About PS Engineering
Founded in 1985, PS Engineering has become a leading manufacturer of both general aviation and special mission audio control systems. The company’s sole corporate focus is excellence in the design and manufacture of audio control systems. PS Engineering is credited for many innovations in the field, including IntelliAudio®, IntelliVox®, flightmate®, MultiTalker®, Softmute™, Split mode™, Swap Mode™, and the IRS™(Internal Recording System), as well as being the first to integrate Bluetooth® in audio control systems. With a network of over 600 authorized dealer/installers worldwide, the company is a leader in retrofit avionics as well as a supplier to other major avionics manufacturers for their audio panel requirements. For more information, please visit www.ps-engineering.com
Contact Information
Greg Ledbetter, PAC45 Program Specialist